Certain investment products included in this webpage may not be eligible for sale in other jurisdictions and may not be suitable to the risk profile of the recipient of the information. The information published or included herein are for the information of the customer only and are not to be taken in substitution for the exercise of judgment by customers who should obtain separate legal or financial advice.
Any investment is subject to different risks. Prices of securities or portfolios may move up or down and may even become valueless and customers will likely incur losses in the event of fluctuations in market prices. This market risk and such other risks inherent in investments are understood by and are acceptable to the customer. Investment products such as bonds and other types of securities, trust accounts, and other similar instruments are not included in the coverage of the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC).
BPI does not in any way guarantee the performance of the Portfolio/Securities and shall not be responsible for any loss sustained except where such loss arises solely out of BPI’s acts and omissions done or suffered in evident bad faith or through gross negligence, gross misconduct, willful neglect, willful fault or material breach of duty or contractual obligation.
The customer acknowledges and understands that these are among the risks involved in transactions of this nature and is prepared to accept all such risks in every transaction.
Regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas https://www.bsp.gov.ph SMS: 021582277 & BSP CAMS Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BangkoSentralngPilipinas and Securities and Exchange Commission. https://www.sec.gov.ph, msrdsubmission@sec.gov.ph or call 8818-7164

Predictable cash flow
Get fixed coupon payments on a regular basis at the agreed interest rate.

Fixed investment alternative
Issuer guarantees the interest rate and coupon payments as well as the return of the principal if held until maturity.

Diversify portfolios
Investors can use fixed income securities to balance their investment portfolio, especially when diversifying among different asset classes.