Service features

With BPI's USD to PHP facility,  you may now enjoy the following benefits:


Convert your US dollars* into Philippine Pesos from the convenience of your home.


*The availability of the US Dollar to Peso facility may change without prior notice.

Safe and secure icon

Safe and secure

Transactions are validated through standard security features, and confirmation page of transaction details.

Real-time credit icon

Real-time credit

Proceeds of the transaction are credited to your card-based Peso Savings or Checking account, real-time.

Quick guide

Sell USD online

Conveniently convert funds from your US Dollar account to Philippine Peso with BPI Online Banking.

Frequently asked questions
Related information
General Risk Disclosure: Foreign currency denominated transactions are subject to market volatility and fluctuations in currency rates which may affect the resulting price of the transaction, which the customer should be prepared to accept. All transactions dealt accordingly shall be considered done trades and not subject to reversal. As with all facilities and systems, there are risks associated with utilizing internet-based applications including, without limitation: failure of hardware, software, and internet connection; server downtime; unscheduled or scheduled system maintenance, and such other technical difficulties or errors inherent in online systems. The result of any system failure may be that your order is either not executed according to instructions or is not executed at all.
​​​​​​​The customer acknowledges and understands that these are among the risks involved in transactions of this nature and is prepared to accept all such risks in every transaction.
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