1. Log in to BPI online or app.
2. Select “More”.
3. Click "Card Control" to see your activated BPI Debit Mastercard.
4. Choose the debit card you wish to customize.

Withdrawal limit
Adjust your ATM cash withdrawal limit per day.

Purchase limit
Adjust the maximum purchase amount you can make with your card per day.
International access
Enable or disable your card's capability to transact thru ATM and point-of-sale (POS) terminals outside the Philippines.

E-commerce access
Enable or disable your card’s capability to transact online and your card’s E-commerce sub-limit.

Card blocking
Permanently or temporarily block your debit card for safety and security.
How to access Card Control
How to adjust my card's withdrawal and/or purchase limit
1. Log in to BPI online or app.
2. Select “More”.
3. Click "Card Control" to see your activated BPI Debit Mastercard.
4. Choose the debit card you wish to adjust.
5. Go to "Withdrawal limit" or "Purchase limit". Choose your preferred amount.
6. Key in your One-Time PIN.
How to enable/disable my card's E-Commerce access
1. Log in to BPI online or app.
2. Select “More”.
3. Click “Card Control” to see your activated BPI Debit Mastercard.
4. Choose the debit card you wish to adjust.
5. Go to “E-Commerce access”. Turn your access on or off.
6. Key in your One-Time PIN.
How to enable/disable my card’s E-commerce sub-limit
1. Log in to the new BPI app.
2. Select “More”.
3. Click “Card Control” and choose the card you wish to adjust.
4. Turn your E-commerce access ON.
5. Key in the One-Time PIN (OTP).
6. Go to “E-commerce sub-limit” and disable/enable the toggle.
7. Key in the One-Time PIN (OTP) again.
How to enable/disable my card's International access
1. Log in to BPI online or app.
2. Select “More".
3. Click “Card Control” to see your activated BPI Debit Mastercard.
4. Choose the debit card you wish to adjust.
5. Go to “International access”. Turn your access on or off.
6. Key in your One-Time PIN.
What is BPI Card Control?
BPI Card Control is a service available in BPI online and app that allows you to customize your card features in real-time. You can adjust your withdrawal and purchase limits, enable/disable your International access, enable/disable your E-commerce access and E-commerce sub-limit, and, temporarily or permanently block/unblock your card.
Note: When adjusting a BPI Card Control feature, it may require you to key-in your One-Time PIN (OTP).
What can I customize in BPI Card Control?
• Withdrawal limit – Cash amount you can withdraw thru the Automated Teller Machine (ATM) per day.
• Purchase limit – Maximum purchase amount you can make using your card.
• International access- This toggle enables/disables you to transact with your debit card outside the Philippines.
• E-commerce access – This toggle enables/disables you to transact with your debit card online.
• E-commerce sub-limit – This toggle enables/disables you to utilize your available purchase limit specifically for E-commerce transactions instead of the default daily E-commerce sub-limit of Php 20,000.
• Temporary block – This feature allows you to temporarily block/unblock all transactions of your debit card.
• Permanent lost card blocking – This will permanently block your card in real time. You may use this in case your card is lost or stolen.
Is the BPI Card Control feature available for all BPI Debit Cards?
No. The BPI Card Control feature is only available for BPI Debit Mastercard.
Who can I contact for questions or clarifications?
For inquiries and comments, send us a message or call our 24-hour BPI Contact Center at (+632) 889-10000.