Yes, you may still apply for a personal loan at any Robinsons Bank or BPI branch. We have BPI Personal loans available and you may find more information about this product here.
Can I apply for a Personal Loan?
What are the application process and requirements for a Personal Loan?
Please visit the BPI official website for the BPI Personal Loan product information, application process, and requirements.
I have an existing Personal Loan with Robinsons Bank. Will the fees and charges of my existing Personal Loan change?
You will continue to have the same fees and charges of your existing Robinsons Bank Personal Loan as you do now until otherwise advised.
Can I still use the Robinsons Bank Digital Online Banking for my InstaBale Facility?
Yes, you can continue to use your Robinsons Bank Digital Online Banking to access your InstaBale Facility. We will advise you well in advance about any development to your access and use of the Bank Digital Online Banking platform.
What changes should I expect on my InstaBale Facility?
During the transition period, we do not expect any significant changes with respect to your InstaBale Facility.
You will still be able to avail from your InstaBale Facility as long as you meet the following criteria:
a. You have an active Robinsons Bank payroll account with continuous payroll credits per payroll cut-off for the past three (3) months.
b. Your payroll account has at least Php 1,500 credit per payroll cut-off.
Will the current fees and charges of InstaBale Facility change?
You will continue to have the same fees and charges of your existing InstaBale Facility as you do now until otherwise advised.