competitive rates

Competitive rates

Get more value for your money with our competitively priced currencies.


Wide array of currencies

We offer USD, EUR, JPY, and other major foreign currencies for your needs.

easy application

Convenience and accessibility

Buy and sell currencies in any of our branches nationwide.

Frequently asked questions
Discover more of our SME Loans

Ka-Negosyo Credit Line

Support your business with a credit line facility able to finance on the spot

Ka-Negosyo SME Loan

Grow your business with a loan ideal for working capital financing, supplier payments

Ka-Negosyo Ready Loan

Ideal for businesses with seasonal funding needs.

Ka-Negosyo SME Loan for Property Acquisition

Ideal for acquisition or construction of property assets for your business.
General Risk Disclosure: All Forex sales by BPI are subject to client's submission of a duly accomplished Foreign Exchange Transaction Form and supporting documents, as applicable, and compliance with applicable Forex regulations, among others.
Regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. https://www.bsp.gov.ph, BSP Webchat https://www.bsp.gov.ph
SMS: 021582277 & BSP CAMS Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BangkoSentralngPilipinas
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