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As the highest governance body of the Bank, our Board provides challenge, oversight, and advice to ensure that we are doing the right things in the right way, underpinning the delivery of long-term sustainable success. The Board of Directors provides direction and creates the framework within which the Bank's management and operating levels, under its President and Chief Executive Officer, can lead the business and deliver the agreed strategy.

Led by the Chairman, the Board sets the Bank's strategy and risk appetite and approves capital and operating plans presented by management to achieve its most fundamental, strategic objectives: to promote and enhance shareholder value of BPI and to generate reasonable yet superior returns on risk capital.

In addition, considering BPI's role in the group as parent and publicly-listed company, our Board ensures that management maintains an effective, high-level risk management and oversight process across all companies in the group. The Board considers what is appropriate for the group's business and reputation, the materiality of financial and other risks inherent in the business, and the relative costs and benefits of implementing specific controls. The Board is also the decision-making body for all other matters of such importance as to be significant to the group, as a whole, because of their strategic, financial, regulatory or reputational implications or consequences.

The Board exercises its powers and duties in the best interest of the Bank, its clients, shareholders, and other stakeholders including: reviewing and approving the Bank’s mission, vision, strategies, and objectives; appointing senior executives and confirming organizational structures; approving enterprise-wide policies and procedures; monitoring business and financial performance; overseeing risk management frameworks and risk appetite, and; fostering regulatory compliance.

Board Charter

The Charter of the Board of Directors articulates and sets forth with specificity the governance and oversight responsibilities exercised by the directors and their roles and functions in a company together with provisions on board composition, board committees and board governance subject to provisions of the corporation's articles of incorporation, by-laws and applicable laws. 

Board Charter



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Composition, qualification, diversity, and independence

As a financial institution bridled with public interest, qualifications for membership in our Board of Directors are dictated by our By-Laws, the Corporation Code and the relevant regulations issued by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (“BSP”) and the Securities Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Likewise, as a publicly listed company, special care is taken to ensure that the Board’s composition and directors’ qualifications meet the applicable Philippine Stock Exchange (“PSE”) governance regulations, requirements and standards.


Composition. Our 2024 Board consists of 15 directors. Fourteen of these 15 directors are non-executive officers of the Bank, and the one executive director is the Bank's President and CEO. The size of our Board is considered to be appropriate given the complexity of the Bank’s and group operations, the geographical spread of our business and the significant time demands placed on the directors.


Qualification. Our directors are business and civic professionals of significant stature, with a track record of accomplishment in their own right, often independent of our Bank. They deliver a broad range of experience and expertise on subject matters relevant to the governance of present-day universal banking institutions. All members of the Board have met the stringent qualifications of the BSP for directors of a universal bank as well as the requisites of the SEC for directors of a publicly-listed company.

BPI Board of Directors (2023-2024 Term)

Appointment and years of service of board of directors as of Dec. 31, 2023

Director's Name

Type of Director1

Date First Elected2

Date Last Elected

Manner of Election

No. of Years as Director of BPI

Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala




Annual Meeting


Fernando Zobel de Ayala






Annual Meeting



Janet Guat Har Ang




Annual Meeting


René G. Bañez




Annual Meeting


Romeo L. Bernardo3




Annual Meeting










Ignacio R. Bunye




Annual Meeting


Karl Kendrick T. Chua




Annual Meeting


Cezar P. Consing




Annual Meeting

















Emmanuel S. De Dios




Annual Meeting


Octavio Victor R. Espiritu




Annual Meeting










Rizalina G. Mantaring




Annual Meeting


Jose Teodoro K. Limcaoco




Annual Meeting





Annual Meeting


Aurelio R. Montinola III




Annual Meeting






Cesar V. Purisima




Annual Meeting


Ramon R. Del Rosario, Jr.




Annual Meeting


Jaime Z. Urquijo




Annual Meeting


Maria Dolores B. Yuvienco




Annual Meeting






1Type: Executive (ED), Non-Executive (NED), Independent (ID)
2Based on Type of Director
3Resigned as of September 12, 2022


Our overriding duty is to maintain a strong, effective board with strong, effective directors in order to create and maintain an atmosphere of constructive challenge and debate. This requires the right balance of expertise, skills, experience and perspectives. Our board, therefore, recognizes and embraces the benefits of having diversity. The Board Diversity Policy, adopted by the board in 2015, sees increasing diversity at board level as an essential element in maintaining sound corporate governance, realizing sustainable and balanced development and achieving strategic objectives.

In this respect, board diversity is considered from varied aspects when designing the board’s composition including but not limited to gender, age, cultural and educational background, geographical location, professional experience, skills, knowledge, and length of service of directors, and other regulatory requirements, etc.

Our leadership model ensures an appropriate balance of power, accountability, and independence in decision-making.


Skills and Experience

The business of banking is not simply a game of numbers, loan and deposit volumes, and money transactions. It is the business of building trust and continually winning that trust even as customer needs and preferences, the industry, products and services, and the regulatory regime seem to evolve overnight. Only a skillfully put together, diverse, and well-composed Board can accomplish the challenge of marrying this underlying sense of purpose with the passion and bias to action needed to move towards that vision.

Apart from the President and CEO, BPI has former bank CEOs on its Board who not only collectively provide a wealth of technical, banking, and risk management experience but, more importantly, also embody prudent judgment and integrity characterized by sound decision-making and professionalism. As bank CEOs, they are also hardwired to understand what matters in the business and driven to build strategies to win that trust. (Recommendation 1.1, SEC CG Code for PLCs)

Our Board also includes directors of publicly-listed companies who are business leaders at the helm of the country’s top companies and conglomerates. Unchallenged in their depth of understanding and appreciation of what the Bank needs to do to continue its over 170-year legacy as the principal architect of the country’s financial inclusion landscape, they also safeguard its listed status, protect shareholder rights, and strengthen investor relations.

The BPI Board counts among its members astute professionals who can best assess and evaluate the risk and control policies, processes, and systems of the Bank. Including the former bank CEOs and directors with regulatory experience, more than half of the members of the Board are equipped with specialist and generalist experience, training, and education to guide the most critical functions in the Bank.

Last but not least, a healthy respect and cautious, heedful, and constructive regulatory perspective is also brought onboard by a number of directors, with grounding in crafting regulations for banking supervision, oversight for examination of BSP-supervised entities, or extensive policy experience in financial markets, international finance and monetary policy.


Age Diversity

The Board recognizes that age diversity is an important factor to achieving diversity of thought. Its experienced directors bring to the Board the benefit of having seen several business cycles and thus provide unique perspective and insight. The Board also values having younger directors, who may be better attuned to the rapidly evolving environment, particularly when it comes to disruption and digitalization of financial services.


Gender Diversity

 The Board also strives to ensure that there is appropriate representation of women, and female Independent Directors. (Recommendation 1.4 of SEC CG Code for PLCs).

ESG Involvement

 The BPI Board ensures that there is a balanced distribution, among its members, of directors with skills, work experience, background and current involvement, knowledge and understanding of key ESG issues, and preferences of stakeholders.

The full Board Diversity Policy may be read here.


Measurable Diversity Objectives or Targets

Best practice under the SEC Code of Corporate Governance for Publicly-Listed Companies recommends the establishment of measurable objectives or targets for achieving board diversity. In this respect, the following are the Board’s diversity goals, considered as rolling targets over a 5-year period, that, together with the Board Skills and Expertise Matrix, are reviewed annually and updated as needed:

  1. Number of Female Directors on the Board: At least 2
  2. Target Number of Independent Directors on the Board: At least 5
  3. At least 1 director with knowledge of IT systems and technology governance in the financial services industry.
  4. At least 1 director with marketing and customer management expertise.

Progress towards the diversity goals. One or more of the following activities are conducted as part of the regular succession planning and annual board refresh exercises:

  • Increasing the number of female candidates to be considered for the shortlist of nominees for the election of the board of directors at the annual stockholders’ meeting.
  • Conduct of a regular review of list of retired bank employees for consideration of directorship positions within parent, subsidiaries and affiliates.
  • Close coordination within Ayala Group of Companies for information on and shortlisting of independent candidates.
  • Liaison and relationship development with regulators for information on possible candidates for directorship.
  • Use of professional search firms/industry databases and associations to shortlist candidates.


BPI's board operates with significant independence from its management. Our 2024 board currently has six directors classified as independent or having no interest or relationship with BPI at time of election, appointment, or re-election, subject to confirmation by the BSP Monetary Board and other regulatory confirmation and/or approvals as may be required. Fourteen of the 15-member board, are non-executive directors of the bank who are not part of the day-to-day management of banking operations. Currently, the one executive director is the bank's President and CEO. Historically, our Chairman has also been a non-executive director and is separately appointed from our President and Chief Executive Officer.

At the Organizational Meeting of the Board of Directors following the 2024 Annual Stockholders Meeting, the Board also appointed independent member Rizalina G. Mantaring as Lead Independent Director.

As a PLC, BPI not only conforms to the regulatory requirement to have at least one-third (1/3) but not less than two (2) members of its board of directors who shall be independent directors; it, in fact, surpasses it.

The presence of a significant number of independent directors on our Board is key to fairness and integrity, allowing the Board to strike a balance between public, corporate and all stakeholder interests.

Profiles of the Bank's Board of Directors may be read here.

Lead Independent Director

Under BSP Circular 969 “Enhanced Corporate Governance Guidelines for BSP Supervised Financial Institutions”, amending Section X142.4.b. of the MORB, on the qualifications of the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors shall define the responsibilities of the Lead Independent Director, which shall be documented in the corporate governance manual. The Board of Directors shall ensure that the Lead Independent Director functions in an environment that allows him to effectively challenge the CEO as circumstances may warrant. The Lead Independent Director shall also perform a more enhanced function over the other independent directors and shall: (1) lead the independent directors at board of directors meetings in raising queries and pursuing matters; and (2) lead meetings of independent directors, without the presence of the executive directors.

Accordingly, on May 7, 2018, the BPI Board approved the amendment to the Manual on Corporate Governance providing for the designation of a Lead Independent Director role in the Board. In the Organizational Meeting of the Board of Directors, following the 2024 Annual Stockholders Meeting, the Board appointed independent member Rizalina G. Mantaring as Lead Independent Director.

The full biography of Lead Independent Director Rizalina G Mantaring may be viewed here.

Nomination and election

In accordance with the Bank's By-Laws, Manual on Corporate Governance, Board Diversity Policy, rules provided for by the regulators (SEC, BSP and PSE) as well as the Corporation Code, all written nominations for directors are submitted to the Nominations Committee not later than the date prescribed by law, rules and regulations or at such earlier or later date as the Board of Directors may fix before the date of the next annual meeting of the stockholders. All recommendations shall be signed by the nominating stockholders together with the written acceptance and conformity of the would-be nominees.

Our shareholders may recommend candidates for Board membership for consideration by the Nominations Committee. Such recommendations should be sent to the Committee, care of the Office of the Corporate Secretary. Candidates recommended by shareholders are evaluated in the same manner as director candidates identified by any other means. The Committee itself may likewise identify and recommend qualified individuals for nomination and election to the board. For this purpose, the Committee may make use of professional search firms or other external sources of candidates to search for qualified candidates to the board.

The Nominations Committee pre-screens the qualifications and prepares a final list of all candidates prior to the annual stockholders’ meeting. Only nominees whose names appear on the final list of candidates shall be eligible for election as director. No other nominations shall be entertained after the final list of candidates shall have been prepared. No further nominations shall be entertained or allowed on the floor during the actual annual stockholders’ meeting.


​​​​​​​Board members are elected by BPI stockholders who are entitled to one vote per share at the bank's annual stockholders’ meeting. The nominees receiving the highest number of votes are declared elected and hold office for one (1) year until their successors are elected and qualified in accordance with the By-Laws at the next annual stockholders’ meeting.

No meeting of stockholders shall be competent to transact business unless a majority of the outstanding and subscribed capital stock entitled to vote is represented, except to adjourn from day to day or until such time as may be deemed proper.


One Share, One Vote Rule

The Bank’s Amended By-Laws state that elections for the Board will be held yearly during the ASM. Voting for the election of members of the Board is considered on a poll, by shares of stock, that is, one share entitles the holder to one vote. Under this rule, any minority shareholder can nominate individuals and has the power to cumulate voting rights. The right to cumulative voting is a statutory right granted by the Corporation Code of the Philippines. The Bank also has no current practice that awards disproportionate voting rights to select shareholders. The fifteen nominees receiving the highest number of votes are declared elected.


Electronic Voting in Absentia

Online Voting Procedure

Policies on directorships, interlocking positions

Policy on Directorships. BPI directors are bound by the Board of Director’s Code of Conduct to consider their individual circumstances and the nature, scale and complexity of the Bank’s activities in showing their full commitment. In this respect, the Board policy on directorships stated in the Manual on Corporate Governance currently does not set a limit on number of directorships with the exception of the regulatory limits for Non-Executive Directors in Publicly Listed Companies.

Directorships in Publicly-Listed Companies. The Bank applies the regulatory limit of five (5) on directorships of Non-Executive Directors in publicly-listed companies and within conglomerates. In applying this provision to directorships in entities within a conglomerate, each publicly-listed company where the Non-Executive Director concurrently serves as director shall be separately considered or assessed.

Application of these policies on directorships shall not impinge on or violate a shareholder’s ownership rights and legal right to vote and be voted upon as directors.

Policy on Directors and Officers Interlocking Positions Updated



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Governance, meetings, quorum, and attendance


Our board exercises its authority consistent with its By-Laws, the bank’s Corporate Governance Manual, and relevant rules, regulations and laws provided under the Corporation Code and prescribed by the SEC and BSP. These provide the framework for the conduct of the board's business, through meetings of the board and its committees.

Items placed on the board agenda are those with the most fundamental importance and broad policy implications for the bank. Directors are free to suggest items for inclusion, and to raise at any board meeting subjects not on the agenda. At the chairman’s discretion, any agenda items may also be referred for discussion in the respective committees.

The chairman presides over meetings of the board. In his absence, the vice chair presides. Board and committee meetings are conducted consistent with the bank’s By-Laws and Robert’s Rules of Order. The Corporate Secretary rules on all disputed questions of procedure. Discussions are open, and independent views are given due consideration. Board materials are made available to directors at least five (5) business days in advance of the scheduled meeting.



Two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum at any meeting for the transaction of corporate business, and every decision of a majority of the quorum duly assembled as a board shall be valid as a corporate act, unless otherwise provided in the By-laws, and except for the election of officers, which shall require the majority of all directors.



Our board meets as often as needed. Currently, regular board meetings are convened in accordance with a monthly cycle, and special meetings may be called as needed. Board of Director’s meetings are scheduled at the beginning of the year, immediately after the annual stockholders meeting, to cover the full term of the newly elected or re-elected members of the Board, reckoned from the date of the current year’s annual stockholders’ meeting to that of the following year.

Monthly Board of Directors meetings are usually set on the third Wednesday of the month unless reset due to holidays. The independent and non-executive directors of the bank also meet at least once a year without the presence of any executive director and/or management.



In 2023, average attendance of elected Directors of the Board’s fourteen meetings was 99%. When exigencies prevent a Director from physically attending a Board or board committee meeting, facilities for telephone conferencing are made available. In instances when a Director is unable to attend meetings even through teleconferencing due to prior commitments or unavoidable events, the said Director provides input to the chairman so that his views can be known and considered.

No. of Meetings Attended in 2023



In Percentage (%)

Jaime Augusto Zobel De Ayala



Cezar P. Consing



Jose Teodoro K. Limcaoco



Janet Guat Har Ang



René G. Bañez



Romeo L. Bernardo*



Ignacio R. Bunye



Karl Kendrick T. Chua**



Emmanuel S. de Dios



Octavio Victor R. Espiritu



Rizalina G. Mantaring**



Aurelio R. Montinola III



Cesar V. Purisima



Ramon R. Del Rosario, Jr.***



Jaime Z. Urquijo



Maria Dolores B. Yuvienco



Fernando Zobel De Ayala****



*Resigned as Board Member effective 12 September 2023
**Elected as Board Member effective 27 April 2023
***Resigned as Board Member effective 27 April 2023
****Elected as Board Member effective 20 September 2023
Director's code of conduct

Our Board of Directors has adopted a Code of Conduct (the “Director’s Code”) which applies to and is binding on all directors of the Bank. The Director’s Code is intended to provide guidance to directors, whether executive, non-executive or independent, with policies on standards for conduct of the business of the Bank, the protection of the rights of the Bank and of its stakeholders, maintaining BPI’s reputation for integrity and fostering compliance with laws and regulations applicable to the Bank and its Directors.

Directors' Code of Conduct



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Access to information and external advice

Access to Information

The Board needs to have the right information at the right time, so that it can engage deeply on how the business is operating, how the executive team is performing and provide the proper check and balance. The Board has separate and independent access to the Corporate Secretary, who also serves as adviser to the directors on their responsibilities and obligations and oversees the adequate flow of information to the Board prior to meetings. To provide directors with all the information and assistance necessary to prepare for meetings or obtain clarification for any relevant matters, this access to the Corporate Secretary is unhampered, unlimited, and direct.

Our management also ensures adequate flow of information to the Board. This information may include the background or explanatory information relating to matters to be brought before the Board, copies of disclosure statements and related documents, budgets, forecasts and monthly internal financial statements. In this respect, all directors also have access to advice from senior management including C-Suite officers such as the Chief Financial Officer, Chief Audit Executive, Chief Risk Officer, and Chief Compliance Officer.

All directors and board committees also have unrestricted access to company records and information in addition to receipt of regular detailed financial and operational reports from senior management.


External Advice

Considering the increasing complexity of market transactions and rapid rate of change in the regulatory sphere, our board, if so requested by the Chairman or other directors, can call on external specialists or consultants for advice, briefings or assistance on specialized areas of focus such as related party transactions, mergers and acquisitions, valuation, etc. Management can arrange for the internal auditor, management services company or consultants to present to the bank.

Induction and continuing education

Along with the demand for greater disclosure and transparency, corporate boards continue to face ever more complex oversight challenges. Through relevant and continuing training, our directors gain a robust understanding of the business of banking, keep abreast with current issues and regulatory changes, and strengthen their ability to meet these governance responsibilities.


Induction of New Directors

Our board, together with the Corporate Secretary, ensures that there is a deliberate, systematic and rapid familiarization of new directors with the board's organization and operations. New directors are apprised of the bank’s governance framework, Manual on Corporate Governance and Code of Conduct, board operations, and the availability of information and support from the Corporate Secretary and senior management. The formal induction program is tailored to a director’s needs, skills, experience and background. Basic to the program, however, are the board’s philosophy and vision for the bank, as well as the board’s culture and operating style. The induction process also tests the capability and dynamics of the newly reconstituted boardroom team by giving the board, as a whole, an opportunity to review its assumptions and positions on key issues and processes.

New directors are also briefed on the bank’s background, Table of Organization, and, in compliance with BSP Cir. No. 969, the general and specific duties and responsibilities of the board. They are also informed of relevant polices and rules governing their roles as directors, and given an overview of the industry, regulatory environment, business of banking and annual and medium-term strategic plans of the bank, as needed as well as any current issues affecting the bank or the industry. This includes regulatory initiatives on Anti-Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing Prevention Program, Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”), Basel III, Securities Regulations Code and new BIR regulations. Finally, we also arrange that all directors annually undergo the requisite corporate governance seminar as provided by an SEC or BSP-accredited institution.


Director Education

Through its various units, the Bank provides continuing Director Education on current developments, such as FATCA, Basel III, and new BIR regulations. Other in-bank courses available to senior managementl include briefings, seminars and courses on:

  • Cyber risk and Cyber security
  • Data Privacy and Protection
  • Anti-money laundering
  • Business continuity management
  • Conflict of interest
  • Risk Management Overview
  • Information Security Awareness

BPI also conducts two courses in partnership with Harvard Business School: the Advance Management Program and the Leadership Excellence Acceleration Program.

Board members also regularly attend governance forums, conferences and summits organized in partnership with the Institute of Corporate Directors such as the Ayala Group Integrated Corporate Governance, Risk Management, and Sustainability Summit 2023.

Board of Directors



Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala

2023 Ayala Integrated Corporate Governance, Risk Management, and Sustainability Summit by Institute of Corporate Directors on Oct. 03

Cezar P. Consing

Janet Guat Har Ang

René G. Bañez

Ignacio R. Bunye

Emmanuel S. de Dios

Aurelio R. Montinola III

Cesar V. Purisima

Maria Dolores B. Yuvienco

Jose Teodoro K. Limcaoco

  • 2023 Ayala Integrated Corporate Governance, Risk Management, and Sustainability Summit by Institute of Corporate Directors on Oct. 03
  • ICD Masterclass: The Third Series – Session 6 “The Brand Architecture: A Valuable Framework for Setting Strategy” by Institute of Corporate Directors Dec. 15

Octavio Victor R. Espiritu

Ramon R. del Rosario, Jr.*


Romeo L. Bernardo**


Jaime Z. Urquijo

2023 Ayala Integrated Corporate Governance, Risk Management, and Sustainability Summit by Institute of Corporate Directors on Oct. 03

Karl Kendrick T. Chua***

Rizalina G. Mantaring***

Fernando Zobel de Ayala****

* Board member until 27 April 2023
** Board member until 12 September 2023
*** Board member effective 27 April 2023
****Board member effective 20 September 2023


Senior Management Team

Senior Management


Eugenio P. Mercado


Ayala Integrated Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Sustainability Summit by Institute of Corporate Directors on Oct. 03

Marie Josephine M. Ocampo


Maria Cristina L. Go


Juan Carlos L. Syquia


  • Ayala Integrated Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Sustainability Summit by Institute of Corporate Directors on Oct. 03
  •  ICD Masterclass: The Third Series – Session 6 “The Brand Architecture: A Valuable Framework for Setting Strategy” by Institute of Corporate Directors on Dec. 15

Maria Theresa D. Marcial


BPI AIA IC Mandated Training by Quisumbing Torres on Oct. 26

Eric Roberto M. Luchangco

(Chief Finance Officer and Chief Sustainability Officer)

Ayala Integrated Corporate Governance, Risk Management and Sustainability Summit by Institute of Corporate Directors on Oct. 03

Anna Liza O. Bobadilla

(Chief Audit Executive)

Ma. Cristina F. Asis

(Chief Risk Officer)

Noravir A. Gealogo
(Chief Compliance Officer)

Maria Lourdes P. Gatmaytan

(Corporate Secretary)


Succession planning and talent management

The Board is committed to a process of orderly succession and acknowledges that a succession plan for the Board and its leadership positions is in the best interest of the Bank and its stakeholders. Leadership changes are not only carefully considered and planned, but are also part of a comprehensive risk management strategy that is guided by clear and transparent governance policies, processes, and laws.

Succession Planning and Talent Management



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Performance evaluation

Under the guidance of the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee, the Board thoroughly reviews its performance, measured on the basis of what it delivers and how it delivers, how it meets its responsibilities to all BPI stakeholders, and how it addresses issues that impact the Board’s ability to effectively fulfill its fiduciary duties.

AON Certification 2020



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AON Certification 2024



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BPI Performance Evaluation



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BPI’s remuneration policy for the Board and Management is aligned with risk incentives and supports sustainable, long-term value creation. Apart from ensuring that Board and Management pay appropriately reflects market and industry conditions and drives business strategy and financial performance, the policy likewise applies performance-based remuneration that rewards employees for their commitment to Bank’s strategy.

BPI Remuneration Statement



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