BPI sustainable funding framework

BPI recognizes the importance of creating value not only for our businesses, but also for our stakeholders, the environment, and the communities in which we operate. We strive to have sustainability at the core of our corporate strategies, ultimately balancing our growth aspirations with our environmental and social responsibility.


The Bank promotes investments in businesses, industries, and projects that contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”). Our largest shareholder, Ayala Corporation, is a founding member of the UN Global Compact Network Philippines. BPI, together with the Ayala Group, is committed to furthering the SDGs.


We have chosen to focus on SDGs where we believe BPI can have a substantial and lasting impact across the markets we operate in, which currently include the following:

BPI Sustainable Funding Framework

BPI has developed a Sustainable Funding Framework (“Framework”) under which we  issue Green, Social, and/or Sustainability Bonds and/or Loans to fund selected projects. The Framework fulfills the requirements of the Green and Social Bond Principles, administered by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA), and is aligned with the ASEAN Green, Social, and Sustainability Bond Standards. It comprises the following four components pursuant to the aforementioned Principles and Standards:

1. Use of Proceeds
2. Process for Project Evaluation and Selection
3. Management of Proceeds
4. Reporting

A more detailed discussion of BPI’s Sustainable Funding Framework can be read here.



Sustainalytics' Second Party Opinion on BPI's Framework

Sustainalytics, a reputable name in the Sustainable finance space, provided the Second-Party Opinion (SPO) of the Bank's Sustainable Funding Framework. The SPO ensures that the Framework is in line with industry standards and best practices based on the Use of Proceeds, Project Evaluation/Selection, Management of Proceeds and Reporting.

The Second-Party Opinion document may be downloaded and read here.



Use of Proceeds and Impact Reports

The 2023 BPI Green and Social Bonds Report may be downloaded and read here.


The 2023 Sustainalytics Second Party Opinion for our Green and Social Bonds Report may be downloaded and read here.

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