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Contact us

At BPI International Finance Limited, we are committed to providing our customers with superior services. Your opinion(s) or suggestion(s) regarding our products and services will enable us to serve you better. To share your opinion(s) or suggestion(s), you may contact us through the following channels:


(+852) 2521 1155

Get in touch using our FAX number

(+852) 2845 9170

You may also email us during business hours



You may also use our SWIFT code




Mailing address

Complaint Officer

BPI International Finance Limited

5/F, LHT Tower

31 Queen's Road Central

Hong Kong

Fax number(+852) 2845 9170
Email addressBPI-IFL-Complaints-Officer@bpi.com.hk
Complaint officer no.(+852) 2521 1156

Note: Please be informed that all calls may be recorded to ensure service quality.


We will acknowledge your opinion or suggestion within 7 days of receipt. In the event that further investigation is warranted, we shall update you on the progress or respond within 30 days. Please note that where a customer opinion or suggestion is lodged by a third party, we shall only contact the respective customer rather than the third party in order to protect our customer's privacy.