Did you know when you bank online, you are helping preserve the planet?

Going digital is an easy and convenient way to reduce your carbon footprint. That means less trips to bank, less paper forms to fill out, and less fuel consumed.

Here are a few everyday banking transactions you can do to get you started:

Open a savings account online
When you use the BPI app, you can open a savings account whenever and wherever you are. Opening an account is fast and easy, and all you need is an ID! No forms, meaning no paper needed.

Transfer Money
Traveling to a branch or to another bank to make that deposit uses up fuel and releases carbon emissions that can be harmful to the environment. Walking or biking are alternatives or just do it on app. It’s effortless for you and saves the environment too.

Pay Bills
From credit cards bills, utility bills, and more, the BPI App allows you to pay bills. You can even schedule regular payments for those recurring bills.

Make a sustainable choice today and choose to do things digitally. Log in to BPI Online today!

Sustainable service
A hand typing on an ATM keypad.


Choose to go for paperless transactions.

BPI eStatement

Sign up for sustainability.

Donate to a good cause with BPI eDonate

Do good while doing good.
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