Exploring alternatives in funding

The evolving regulatory landscape has presented BPI with alternative funding opportunities. With lower reserve requirements on bond issuances vis-à-vis peso deposits, we continue to explore issuances in the domestic and foreign debt markets as opportunities arise. This allows for funding cost efficiencies while offering our clients attractive investment opportunities.

Listed below are the Bank's outstanding capital market issuances, traded in various organized local and international exchanges.

Debt Capital Markets

Php Bond and LTNCTD Issuances

Issuances descriptionAmount issued (in Bn)Maturity dateCoupon rateOffering circulars and pricing supplements
LTNCTD due 2025Php 3.12April 25, 20254.00%Offering circular of LTNCTD due 2025
BPI Fixed Rate Bonds due 2025Php 36.7May 13, 20256.425%

Offering circular of BPI Php 100Bn Bond Program (2023)

Pricing Supplement of BPI Fixed Rate Bonds due 2025.

BPI SEED Bonds due 2026Php 33.7February 9, 20266.20%

Offering Circular of BPI Php 100Bn Bond Program (2023)

Pricing Supplement of BPI SEED Bonds due 2026

Foreign Currency Bond Issuances

Issuances descriptionAmount issued (in Mn)Maturity dateCoupon rateOffering circulars and pricing supplements
USD Bonds due 2029USD 400.00March 26, 20295.25%

Offering circular of USD $3Bn MTN Program

Pricing supplement of USD Bonds due 2029

Equity Capital Markets

In May 2018, BPI raised Php 50 billion from a stock rights offering, the largest capital market issuance undetaken by the Bank. We had never before raised amounts of this size in the public capital markets, which we believe is a reflection of the bold strategic initiatives that we have undertaken in recent years.

Stock Rights Offering (SRO)

Listing dateSizeNew common sharesRatioOffer price
May 4, 2018Php 50 billion558,829,2101:7:0594 common shares heldPhp 89.50
February 10, 2014Php 25 billion370,370,3701:9:602 common shares heldPhp 67.50
August 23, 2010Php 10 billion307,692,3071:10:555 common shares heldPhp 32.50
Related information

Stock Information

Bank of the Philippine Islands common shares are listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange.

Credit Ratings

Our credit ratings are at par with Philippine Sovereign Rating.

Investor Presentations

Information on the company is shared regularly with the investing public.
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