Note: BPI Wealth Hong Kong Limited (the “Company” or ”BPI Wealth HK”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank of the Philippine Islands ("BPI") has prepared this fees and charges schedule as accurate as possible to the best of its ability, but there may be certain tariffs, service fees and charges which are not included in this document. Details are available upon client’s request. Information contained herein are for reference only and the Company reserves the right to revise the tariffs, service fees and charges from time to time.


Updated as of February 26, 2024

Deposit taking, loans, and ancillary services
Time depositsTerms/fees/charges
Minimum time deposit balanceHKD 100,000.00, or equivalent foreign currency
Minimum tenor3 months
Below minimum balanceNot allowed
Below minimum tenorNot allowed
Early termination fee¹

In the event of Early Termination of a Time Deposit, the Company shall:

  1. Charge the Customer a fee of 0.5% on the principal of the Time Deposit or USD 100, whichever is higher; and
  2. Deduct all interest accrued to the Time Deposit from the placement date of the current term of the Time Deposit.
Loan facilityTerms/fees/charges
Drawdown fee

USD 50.00 (If proceeds are to be credited to client’s BPI account)

USD 100.00 (If proceeds are to be credited to client’s account with another bank)

Early loan repayment0.25% of principal loan repayment amount, or USD 1,000.00, whichever is higher
Foreign Exchange ServiceTerms/fees/charges
FX Conversion Fee² ³Waived
Inward wire transferTerms/fees/charges
Inward wire transfer chargeWaived
Outward wire transferTerms/fees/charges
Transfer charge to account with BPI which is not the nominated settlement accountUSD 25.00, or equivalent in foreign currency
Transfer to non-BPI account
Handling feeUSD 50.00
Cable chargeUSD 50.00
Crediting and settlement of loans and time depositTerms/fees/charges
Service charge for crediting to nominated settlement account of:
Time deposit maturityWaived
Time deposit interestWaived
Loan drawdownWaived
Charges for Other Ancillary ServicesTerms/fees/charges
Certification of depositsUSD 10.00 per request
Copies of statement or advice recordUSD 10.00 per copy
Audit confirmation requestUSD 50.00 per request
Global Securities Account (GSA)
Account managementTerms/fees/charges
Standard custody fees⁴0.25% per annum
Minimum balance⁵Waived
Below minimum balance feeWaived
Late payment or account overdraft charges5% per annum
Minimum trading lots and sizes6Terms/fees/charges
Credit securities/Fixed income/BondsSubject to the minimum trading piece (and increments) of the specific security, or USD 100,000.00, whichever is higher
Equities/Common stocksUSD 25,000.00
Collective Investment SchemesUSD 10,000.00
Charges related to crediting and/or settlement of coupons, dividends, sales, and redemption proceedsTerms/fees/charges
To nominated BPI settlement accountWaived
To BPI account which is not the nominated settlement accountUSD 25.00, or equivalent in foreign currency
Outward wire transfer to other banks/FIs
Handling feeUSD 50.00
Cable chargeUSD 50.00
Securities TransferTerms/fees/charges
Transfer-in service chargeWaived
Transfer-out service chargeWaived, except for 3rd party charges incurred
Corporate actions
Participation in voluntary corporate actions with cash considerationWaived

Credit Securities/ Fixed Income/ Bonds

Trade-related servicesTerms/fees/charges
Fees & commissions for buying and selling of credit securities⁷None
Tax⁸Subject to specific requirement of relevant security

US Stock Exchange16

Trade-related servicesTerms/fees/charges
Fees & commissions for buying and selling of US Equity Securities

Share price of

less than USD 25.00

The greater of USD 50 or 0.15% of total notional amount

Share price of USD 25.00 or higherUSD 50 for the first 1000 shares and USD 0.04 per share thereafter
SEC imposed fee on sell transactionsSubject to US Securities Exchange Commission latest rules and charges
Tax⁸Subject to specific requirement of relevant stocks/common shares

Hong Kong Stock Exchange16

Trade-related servicesTerms/fees/charges
Fees & commissions for buying and selling of HK Equity SecuritiesThe greater of HKD 390 or 0.15% of total notional amount
Stamp duty⁹0.1% of the transaction amount (rounded up to the nearest HK Dollar)
Transaction Levy100.0027% of the transaction amount for each transaction
Trading fee¹¹0.00565% of the amount for each transaction
FRC levy¹²0.00015% of the transaction amount (rounded to the nearest cent)
Tax⁸Subject to specific requirement of individual stocks

Other Stock Exchanges (i.e., France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Taiwan, UK)16

Trade-related servicesTerms/fees/charges
Fees & commissions for buying and selling of Equity SecuritiesThe greater of USD 50 or equivalent or 0.15% of total notional amount
Tax⁸ and other transaction feesSubject to specific requirement of individual stocks, latest rules and charges

Note: Please contact BPI Wealth HK for the information on additional stock exchanges.

Collective Investment Schemes (CIS)

Fees charged by BPI Wealth HK to the ClientTerms/fees/charges
Front-end fees / Initial load¹³Up to 1.50%, or as otherwise stated in instruction / subscription / placement or other related documents
Fees charged by the Fund Management Company to the Client14Terms/fees/charges
Management feesAs stated in the Product Information Sheet (PIS) of each specific investment product
Custodian fees
Performance fees
Administration fees
Distribution fees
Fees paid by the Fund Management Company to BPI Wealth HKTerms/fees/charges
Retrocession fees15Determined based on individual distribution agreements
Investment Management Account (IMA)
Portfolio managementTerms/fees/charges
Standard management fee0.25% per annum

1. Early termination occurs when the client wishes to withdraw the funds earlier than the agreed upon maturity date of the time deposit. Early termination is only permitted for time deposits upon satisfaction of all the criteria below:

a. Original term is in excess of three (3) months;

b. Early termination date is not less than three (3) months from the initial placement date of the time deposit;

c. Early termination is subject to standard early termination penalties and charges; and

d. Subject to the approval/consent of BPI International Finance Limited.


2. Foreign Currency conversion available only in major currencies (USD, EUR, GBP and AUD), including HKD and PHP. Foreign Exchange service applicable only to existing deposits or securities maintained with the Company.


3. Excludes conversion from PHP to other currencies (e.g. client buying USD using PHP).


4. For all securities (with fixed interest or coupon payments dates, without fixed interest payment dates such as common stocks and collective investments schemes), based on the market value of the relevant Security Holdings payable at quarter-end, or unless specified in a different client agreement.


5. Based on aggregate holdings per GSA valued at market value for credits/bonds/fixed income securities, equity securities and collective investment schemes.


6. Applies to both purchase/subscription and sale/redemption of securities.


7. The Company does not charge trading fees or commissions.  It may however, make trading profits from its trading activities. Where the Company enters into a Back-to-Back transaction (i.e. purchase/sell from/to a counterparty and sell/purchase to/from the client without taking any market risk) concerning a specific security, the maximum trading profit shall not be more than 0.50% of the client’s total investment amount.


8. The client is reminded to seek independent tax advice as the Company does not act nor shall act as a tax advisor. The client is solely responsible and/or liable for any or all associated taxes of any relevant jurisdiction, country, government or regulatory body.


9. Charge collected for the HKSAR government. Not applicable to Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). Subject to change without prior notice.


10. Charge collected for the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC). Subject to change without prior notice.


11. Charge collected for the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX). Subject to change without prior notice.


12. Charge collected for the Financial Reporting Council.  Subject to change without prior notice. 


13. Applicable to fund subscriptions only. The Front-end Fees/Initial Load is applicable to the aggregate subscription amount of the GSA on the relevant trade date. 


14. The relevant fund management company deducts the fees from the relevant fund(s). Please refer to the offering document of the relevant fund(s) for fee details. There is no actual cash outflow by the client. This, however, reduces fund performance.


15. BPI Wealth HK will receive retrocession fees from the fund management company as a percentage of the relevant fund's annual management fees as ongoing commission every year throughout the term of client's investment. There is no actual cash outflow by the client. This, however, reduces fund performance.


16. Clients are required to bear relevant charges, levies, taxes or interests received and derived by BPI Wealth HK’s foreign agents, governments or regulatory agencies on designated securities or securities trading services provided by BPI Wealth HK.  The above terms/fees/charges are for reference only and may be adjusted from time to time.  For details, please contact BPI Wealth HK.


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BPI Wealth HK has taken all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information contained in this website is current, accurate and complete on the date of preparation. No representations or warranties are made (expressed or implied) as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of such information. BPI Wealth HK accepts no liability for any loss or damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of, or any action taken in reliance on, any information appearing in this website. In viewing and/or printing any information available to you in this website, you are solely responsible for bearing the relevant liabilities and risks.
BPI Wealth HK does not warrant the safety and accuracy of this website; nor does it warrant that this website is free from any errors, defects, viruses and/or other malicious programs or macros.  BPI Wealth HK reserves the right, without any obligation and without any notice, to alter, improve or correct the contents of this website.
Any product information contained within this website is for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer or solicitation or advice to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments. Investment involves risk, you should consult your independent financial adviser before making any investment decision.
The contents of this website have not been reviewed or approved by the HKMA, the SFC and/or any other regulator.
Please keep in mind that BPI Wealth HK will never ask for your one-time PIN, online banking password, and other confidential information through social media applications, embedded forms, email links, calls, or SMS. If you receive such request claiming to be from BPI Wealth HK, please contact our hotline at (+852)2521-1155.
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