Sustainability is now a goal towards which all roads have to lead. The journey may seem smoggy at first, but each small step lead to a brighter, cleaner future.

Where’s the best place to start?

Let’s start with the letter ‘A’.

Alternative energy sources
Energy derived from the burning of fossil fuels creates toxic emissions that harm our planet. Alternative sources, such as solar, hydroelectric, and wind, are cleaner choices for energy. Consider switching to using alternative energy when able, such as using solar-powered outdoor lights.

Bring your own
Bringing your own utensils, straws, and tumblers when you leave the house means using less single-use plastics. Doing so contributes to a cleaner, greener future!

Carpooling is a great way to not only save on gas, but to also decongest roads and lessen pollution.

Digital when you can
Instead of travelling to a payment center and filling out paper forms, consider enrolling in BPI Online and pay bills and send money to others digitally. We’re talking from shopping, to paying your bills! You save on time, fuel - and paper!

Energy-efficient appliances
Go sustainable with energy-efficient appliances. LED bulbs, for example, require less energy than fluorescent bulbs for the same brightness.

Fair trade
Fair trade ensures just compensation for small farmers. Buying fair trade supports small producers and helps implement further sustainable measures for growing their products.

You can start small with gardening. Even potted herbs can decrease your dependence on shipped, wrapped, and refrigerated market produce. Is there anything easier than reaching for basil outside your window?

Sustainability starts in the kitchen. Making your own food lets you choose sustainable ingredients and lessens the need for disposable food packaging and single-use utensils.

Inspect the label
When shopping, check for eco-friendly labels, ensuring that no harmful chemicals were used to create the product.

Join environment-focused learning groups
Scaling up sustainability involves educating yourself. Join earth-friendly workshops and seminars, and get the nitty-gritty on topics like composting, organic gardening, and recycling.

Keep it clean
Keeping clean also means responsible waste disposal: tossing biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials in the proper bin saves time and energy.

Love local
Local goods travel a shorter distance compared to imported ones, which require tons of energy to ship and refrigerate. If possible, choose products that are made in the country.

single-quote single-quote

Practicing sustainability in little ways, everyday, makes it easier to live a cleaner, greener lifestyle.

Make it a habit
Practicing sustainability in little ways, everyday, makes it easier to live a cleaner, greener lifestyle.

No to single-use plastics
Plastic is everywhere: wet wipes, stirrers, and food packaging. A simple 'NO' to these single-use items means a resounding YES to Sustainability.

Organically grown products do not use synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, which are harmful to ecosystems. Healthy soil and less contaminated water make for a happier planet.

While biodegradable, paper's worldwide production still takes an environmental toll. Shop sustainably with products with less packaging.

Quality over quantity
Invest in long-lasting products instead of cheap but easily broken ones. Non-durable products require frequent replacement, leading to high wastage.

Reduce, reuse, recycle
The 3Rs are the tried-and-tested trio for keeping waste from further congesting landfills.

Support small businesses
Compared to giant corporations, small businesses have smaller carbon footprints and often use local materials.

Travel smart & sustainably
Your next sustainable choice is just a step away -literally. Walking short distances instead of taking your car is a healthier step for you and the planet. For longer distances, a bike is a better set of wheels than a car.

Ukay-ukay or thrifting can teach us about fashion and sustainability. By recirculating clothes, garments don't immediately end up in landfills.

Give back to Mother Earth by volunteering to environmental causes, such as tree planting and clean-up drives.

Water conservation
The world is mostly water, but only a small part of that is processed to be safe for drinking. Mind your water and turn off that tap to conserve the world's shared supply.

Lead by eXample
Living sustainably is one thing—encouraging others is another. Set a good example by adopting earth-friendly habits, and supporting sustainable causes, like donating through the BPI app's eDonate.

Sustainability starts with YOU. The small earth-friendly acts you do can have a ripple effect in your home and community. So keep doing YOUR part in saving the planet!

Ironically, 'zero' is the biggest number in waste elimination. Zero-waste may be ambitious, but keep going. Every small, sustainable step counts!

Starting your sustainability journey is really as easy as A-B-C! Go ahead and share the ABCs of sustainability with your friends and family and let’s work together for a cleaner future.

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