Updated reminder on writing information on checks for deposit and clearing

Following the implementation of new check design and specifications effective May 1, 2024, please be reminded of the guidelines* in writing information on checks for deposit and clearing:


*In compliance with the Philippine Clearing House Corporation’s (PCHC) Memo Circular No. 3857. 


Learn more about the guidelines here.


Updated as of January 17, 2025

Originally published on December 16, 2024  

Waived Maintaining Balance fee for BPI #SaveUp and #MySaveUp accounts

Please be advised that we have waived the maintaining balance requirement for BPI #SaveUp and #MySaveUp accounts.

 FromToDate of implementation
#SaveUpPhp 3,000Php 0Starting July 2023
#MySaveUpPhp 3,000Php 0Starting June 2023

You may continue to save with your BPI #SaveUp and/or #MySaveUp account without worrying about maintaining balance fees.


Published on November 18, 2024.

Savings Consciousness Week from June 30 to July 6, 2024

The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) join in promoting Savings Consciousness Week 2024, which will run from June 30 to July 6, 2024.

With the theme “A saving culture leads to a successful future!” the BSP highlights the importance of a culture of saving and responsible financial management in creating a more financially secure future.

Develop a habit of saving and secure your future with BPI.


Pricing Update on BPI Saver-Plus effective June 22, 2024

Please be advised that the following changes will be implemented on BPI Saver-Plus:

Initial DepositPhp 50,000Php 3,000
Minimum Maintaning BalancePhp 50,000Php 3,000
Excess Withdrawal Fee (after 2 free withdrawals per month)Php 18Php 0


Advisory: New check design effective May 1, 2024

Please be advised that starting May 1, 2024, all checks presented for clearing must comply with the new check design and specifications prescribed by the PCHC*.


*In compliance with the Philippine Clearing House Corporation’s (PCHC) Memo Circular No. 3743.


Read more about the advisory here.


Published on May 26, 2023

Updated: February 16, 2024

Updated Terms and Conditions effective March 31, 2024

Please be advised that we have made updates on our Terms and Conditions. We encourage you to review all the updated terms that apply to you.


Published date: January 30, 2024

Zero Maintaining Balance for digital deposit account extended until December 2024

Please be advised that the waived maintaining balance fee for the following digital deposit accounts are extended until December 31, 2024:

Digital accountValidity period
#MySaveUpJune 2023 until December 2024
#SaveUpJuly 2023 until December 2024

Published on December 15, 2023

Updated Terms and Conditions effective February 2024

Please be advised that we have made updates on our Terms and Conditions. We encourage you to review all the updated terms that apply to you.


Published date: November 2023

Waived Maintaining Balance Fee for #MySaveUp and #SaveUp

Please be advised that the maintaining balance fee for the following digital deposit accounts are now waived:​

Digital Account​

Validity Period​


June 2023 until December 2023​


July 2023 until December 2023​

Published on July 26, 2023

Savings Consciousness Week from June 30 to July 6, 2023


The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) join together in promoting Savings Consciousness Week 2023.

This annual observance is from June 30 to July 6, with this year’s slogan, “Save today for a better and prosperous tomorrow”. 

The goal of savings through banks and other financial intermediaries is to accelerate the country’s economic progress and development, by having a continuing awareness of the vital role of savings in the development process.

Save today with BPI, for a better and prosperous tomorrow.




Published on June 30, 2023

Pricing Update on Saver Plus effective July 1, 2023

Effective July 1, 2023, an interest rate adjustment will be implemented on Saver Plus:

Initial DepositMinimum Monthly ADB RequirementBalance to Earn InterestInterest Rate per annum
Saver PlusPhp 50,000Php 50,000Php 50,000FromTo


Published on June 16, 2023

Depositor Protection and Awareness Week (DPAW) from June 16, 2023 to June 22, 2023

The Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC) and Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) join the nation in celebrating the 21st Depositor Protection and Awareness Week (DPAW). 


The observance of DPAW is from June 16 to 22 of every year, with this year’s theme, “Maniguro, Magbangko, Umasenso”. 


The annual celebration aims to complement the government’s thrust of sustaining economic growth by further strengthening public confidence in the Philippine banking system. 


Published on June 13, 2023

Adjustment in bank service fees and pricing of passbook accounts effective May 6, 2023

The following bank service fees and pricing of select Passbook accounts will be adjusted effective May 6, 2023.


A. Bank service and transaction fees

Replacement of Debit Card Php 150Php 200

Peso Checkbook

CommercialPhp 500Php 600
PersonalPhp 250Php 300
Bank Certification Php 200Php 300

B. Monthly ADB requirement

Peso Passbook Accounts


Monthly ADB¹ Requirement
Passbook Savings (Individual and Joint accounts)Php 10,000Php 25,000

Maxi-One with Passbook (Individual and Joint accounts)

Php 250,000

Php 500,000

¹ADB refers to Average Daily Balance, which is defined as the sum of the daily end-of-day balances in the account for a month divided by the number of days in that month. The formula for computing ADB is as follows:  

ADB = (Day 1 ending balance + Day 2 ending balance …+ Day 30/31 ending balance) / Number of days in the month (i.e. 30/31 days)

Published on March 6, 2023

Savings consciousness week from June 30 to July 6, 2022

The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) join together in promoting Savings Consciousness Week 2022, which will run from June 30 to July 6, 2022.

This year’s theme is Moneygurado! Mag-impok sa bangko para asenso ay sigurado.

Save for a better tomorrow, today with BPI.

Published on July 06, 2022

Interest rate adjustments on various peso savings and checking accounts effective October 1, 2021

Effective October 1, 2021, interest rate adjustments on various Peso Savings and Checking Accounts will be implemented.

ProductInitial DepositBalance to Earn InterestInterest Rate Per Annum
Peso Savings Account
Regular Savings3,0005,000 0.125%0.0625%
Passbook Savings (Individual)10,00025,000 0.125%0.0625%
Passbook Savings (Business Banking)50,00075,000 0.125%0.0625%
Passbook Savings (Corporate)100,000150,000 0.125%0.0625%
Jumpstart Savings1002,000 0.125%0.0625%
Save-Up HighN.A.5,000 0.125%0.0625%
Save-Up Automatic Savings with InsuranceN.A.5,000 0.125%0.0625%
Saver Plus50,00050,000 0.150%0.0925%
Pamana Savings with Life Insurance
With Debit Card25,00025,000 0.125%0.0625%
With Passbook75,00075,000 0.125%0.0625%

Pamana Padala with Debit Card






Padala Moneyger






Direct Deposit US Pension with Passbook1,00025,000 0.125%0.0625%
Peso Checking Account
Maxi-One (Individual)
With Debit Card and Statement25,00025,000

25,000 < 1 Mn
1 Mn and above



With Statement25,00025,000
With Passbook250,00025,000
Maxi-One (Corporate)
With Statement50,00025,000

25,000 < 1 Mn
1 Mn and above



With Passbook500,00025,000

*Rates of savings and checking account products no longer offered will also be adjusted accordingly.

Published on September 29, 2021

Adjustments in Interest Rates on various Dollar Pamana Savings Accounts effective October 1, 2021

Please be advised of the adjustments in interest rates on the following Dollar Pamana Savings Accounts effective October 1, 2021:


Interest Rate Per Annum

Pamana Savings with Life Insurance0.125%0.050%
Pamana Padala0.125%0.050%

Published on September 29, 2021

Advisory: Shift to electronic statements of account

We are delighted to inform you that we are transitioning to Electronic Statements of Account (eSOA) so you can receive, view, and download your transaction records more conveniently via BPI Online or BPI Mobile app. This is just one of the innovative ways that we are ensuring better service for you while creating a positive impact on our planet.

To help you prepare for this transition, please register your account to BPI Online and download the BPI Mobile app at Apple App Store or Google Play Store now.


Published on July 30, 2021

Depositor protection and awareness week (DPAW) from June 16 to 22, 2021

The Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC) and Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) join the nation in celebrating the 19th Depositor Protection and Awareness Week (DPAW) to promote the habit of saving.

This year's celebration aims to encourage the values of financial security and preparedness through the theme, “Maniguro, Mag-impok, Mag-deposito sa Bangko.”

DPAW is observed annually to reinforce the need to educate and protect simple, modest depositors and complement the government’s thrust for sustained economic growth and development.


Published on June 15, 2021

Introducing Saver Plus Savings Account

Effective July 1, 2021, we are pleased to announce that a new deposit product, BPI Saver Plus Savings Account, will be launched.

Learn more

Published on June 1, 2021


Important Customer Advisory on Maxi-Saver Savings Accounts

Effective July 1, 2021, there will be changes in the Terms and Conditions governing all Peso Maxi-Saver Savings Accounts.

Learn more


Published on June 1, 2021

Reduced Maxi-Saver and Advance Savings rates effective February 1, 2021

Effective February 1, 2021, please be advised that adjustments on interest rates of Peso Maxi-Saver and Advance Savings will be implemented.

Maxi-Saver Savings with Debit Card (ATM Card)


Base Rate

Bonus Rate

Interest Rate w/ New Bonus Rate

Less than Php 50,000N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.
50,000 - 499,9990.125%0.250%0.125%0.250%
500,000 - 999,9990.125%0.250%0.125%0.250%
1M – 4,999,9990.125%0.250%0.125%0.250%
5M and above0.250%0.250%0.125%0.375%

Maxi-Saver Savings with Passbook (Individual)


Base Rate

Bonus Rate

Interest Rate w/ New Bonus Rate

Less than Php 75,000N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.
75,000 - 499,9990.125%0.250%0.125%0.250%
500,000 - 999,9990.125%0.250%0.125%0.250%
1M – 4,999,9990.125%0.250%0.125%0.250%
5M and above0.250%0.250%0.125%0.375%

Maxi-Saver Savings with Passbook (Corporate)


Base Rate

Bonus Rate

Interest Rate w/ New Bonus Rate

Less than Php 250,000N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.
250,000 - 499,9990.125%0.250%0.125%0.250%
500,000 - 999,9990.125%0.250%0.125%0.250%
1M – 4,999,9990.125%0.250%0.125%0.250%
5M and above0.125%0.250%0.125%0.250%

Note: Bonus rate of 0.1250% p.a. applies if there is no withdrawal within the calendar month.

BPI Advance Savings Account with Passbook

Less than Php 100,000N.A.N.A.
100,000 - 999,9990.375%0.250%
1M and above0.375%


Published on January 29, 2021

Change in effectivity date of Maxi-Saver new terms and conditions and Saver Plus launch

Following our announcement last March 31, 2021 regarding the changes in the Terms and Conditions of the Peso Maxi-Saver savings account for our individual clients, the effectivity date of the change to the new minimum balance requirement has been adjusted from June 1, 2021 to July 1, 2021. This gives our valued clients the time to assess suitable product options that best serve their needs.


We will also move the launch of our new BPI Saver Plus, a new deposit offering (with Php 50,000 minimum balance requirement and 0.15% interest), from June 1, 2021 to July 1, 2021. We look forward to bringing this product to market for our valued clients who aspire for greater financial security by helping them build their savings through higher interest* while providing flexible access to their funds in case of unplanned need without worrying about pre-termination penalty**.


For more information, you may contact any BPI Branch Manager or your Relationship Manager / Officer.


*compared to a regular savings account
**compared to a time deposit


Published on May 31, 2021

Adjusted deposit fees of foreign currency notes

Effective May 19, 2021, please be advised of the adjustment in deposit fees on Foreign Currency notes.

Foreign Currency Cash Deposit

US DollarPhp 0.10 per USD 1.00 or a fraction thereof


First USD 5,000 free
In excess, Php 0.15 per USD 1.00 or a fraction thereof


Third CurrencyPhp 0.10 per USD 1.00 equivalent or a fraction thereof


First US 5,000 free
In excess, Php 0.15 per USD 1.00 equivalent or a fraction thereof


*Threshold of US $ 5,000 applies to Retail/Individual clients only. For non-retail/individual clients, the fee will be applied to the full deposit amount.

Published on March 19, 2021

Reduction of bonus rate on Maxi-Saver and interest rate on Advance Savings Accounts

Effective December 1, 2020, please be advised that the bonus rates of peso and dollar Maxi-Saver accounts will be decreased. The interest rates of Advance Savings accounts will also be decreased.

Peso Maxi-Saver Savings Account

ProductTierBase RateBonus Rate*Interest Rate with New Bonus Rate

Maxi-Saver Savings with Debit Card

Less than Php 50,000N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.
Php 50,000 - Php 499,9990.125 %0.500%0.250 %0.375 %
Php 500,000 - Php 999,9990.125 %0.500 %0.250 %0.375 %
Php 1 Mn – Php 4,999,9990.125 %0.500 %0.250 %0.375 %
Php 5 Mn and above0.250 %0.500 %0.250 %0.500 %


ProductTierBase RateBonus Rate*Interest Rate with New Bonus Rate

Maxi-Saver Savings with Passbook (Individual)

Less than Php 75,000N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.
Php 75,000 - Php 499,9990.125 %0.500 %0.250 %0.375 %
Php 500,000 - Php 999,9990.125 %0.500 %0.250 %0.375 %
Php 1 Mn – Php 4,999,9990.125 %0.500 %0.250 %0.375 %
Php 5 Mn and above0.250 %0.500 %0.250 %0.500 %


ProductTierBase RateBonus Rate*Interest Rate with New Bonus Rate

Maxi-Saver Savings with Passbook (Corporate)

Less than Php 250,000N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.
Php 250,000 - Php 499,9990.125 %0.500 %0.250 %0.375 %
Php 500,000 - Php 999,9990.125 %0.500 %0.250 %0.375 %
Php 1 Mn – Php 4,999,9990.125 %0.500 %0.250 %0.375 %
Php 5 Mn and above0.125 %0.500 %0.250 %0.375 %

*Bonus rate of 0.250% p.a. applies if there is no withdrawal within the calendar month

Dollar Maxi-Saver Savings Account

ProductTierBase RateBonus Rate*
Interest Rate with New Bonus Rate

Maxi-Saver Savings with Passbook (USD)

Less than USD 2,500N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.
USD 2,500 - Php 9,9990.100 %0.500 %0.100 %0.200%
USD 10,000 - Php 19,9990.100 %0.500 %0.100 %0.200%
USD 20,000 and above0.100 %0.500 %0.100 %0.200%

**Bonus rate of 0.100% p.a. applies if there is no withdrawal within the calendar month

BPI Advance Savings Account


BPI Advance Savings Account with Passbook

Less than Php 100,000N.A.N.A.
Php 100,000 - Php 999,9990.625 %0.375 %
Php 1 Mn and above0.625 %0.375 %

Published on November 27, 2020

Passbook Savings for corporate and Business Banking clients

Starting November 10, 2020, new Passbook Savings accounts to be opened will be subject to new maintaining balance requirements.



Initial Deposit (Php)


Minimum ADB (Php)Balance to Earn Interest (Php)


Interest Rate per Annum


Business Banking50,00050,00075,0000.125%
Corporate Banking100,000100,000150,0000.125%

Effective January 1, 2021, there will be adjustments on Passbook Savings maintaining balance for existing accounts:

Business BankingInitial Deposit (Php)Minimum ADB (Php)Balance to Earn Interest (Php)


Interest Rate per Annum




0.125% (no change)



Corporate BankingInitial Deposit (Php)Minimum ADB (Php)Balance to Earn Interest (Php)


Interest Rate per Annum




0.125% (no change)


Published on November 6, 2020

Advisory on Kaya Savings

Effective January 15, 2021, all existing Kaya Savings Accounts will be converted to Regular Savings Accounts.

Learn more


Published on November 16, 2020

Reduction in various Peso Savings Account interest rates effective October 1, 2020

Effective October 1, 2020, interest rate adjustments on Maxi-Saver, Advance, and Save-Up High will be implemented.


Maxi-Saver Savings with Debit Card

Less than Php 50,000N.A.N.A.
50,000 - 499,9990.250%0.125%
500,000 - 999,9990.375%0.125%
1,000,000 - 4,999,9990.625%0.125%
5,000,000 and above-0.250%

Maxi-Saver Savings with Passbook

Less than Php 75,000N.A.N.A.
75,000 - 499,9990.250%0.125%
500,000 - 999,9990.375%0.125%
1,000,000 - 4,999,9990.625%0.125%
5,000,000 and above-0.250%

Maxi-Saver Savings with Passbook (Corporate)

Less than Php 250,000N.A.N.A.
250,000 - 499,9990.250%0.125%
500,000 - 999,9990.375%0.125%
1,000,000 - 4,999,9990.500%0.125%
5,000,000 and above-0.125%

BPI Advance Savings Account with Passbook

Less than Php 100,000N.A.N.A.
100,000 - 999,9990.750%0.625%
1,000,000 and above1.125%0.625%

BPI Save-Up High Automatic Savings

5,000 - 49,9990.250%0.125%
50,000 - 499,9990.375%0.125%
500,000 and above0.500%0.125%

Published on September 24, 2020

Reduction in interest rates of BPI Maxi-Saver and Advance Savings Accounts effective May 1, 2020

Please be advised on the reduction in interest rates of Peso Maxi-Saver and Advance Savings Accounts effective May 1, 2020.

ProductInitial DepositMinimum ADBBalance to Earn InterestInterest Rate Per AnnumFromTo

Maxi-Saver Savings with Debit Card

Php 50,000

Php 50,000

Php 50,000

Less than Php 50,000N.A.N.A.
Php 50,000 - 499,9990.25%0.25%
Php 500,000 - 999,9990.38%0.38%
Php 1M and above0.75%0.63%
Bonus rate of 0.500% p.a. applies if there is no withdrawal within the calendar month

Maxi-Saver Savings with Passbook

Php 75,000

Php 75,000

Php 75,000

Less than Php 75,000N.A.N.A.
Php 75,000 - 499,9990.25%0.25%
Php 500,000 - 999,9990.38%0.38%
Php 1M and above0.75%0.63%
Bonus rate of 0.500% p.a. applies if there is no withdrawal within the calendar month

With this rate change, the maximum rate shall be 1.125% inclusive of bonus rate.

BPI Advance Savings Account with Passbook

Php 100,000

Php 100,000

Php 100,000

Less than Php 100,000N.A.N.A.
Php 100,000 - 999,9990.75%0.75%
Php 1M and above1.25%1.13%

Published on April 30, 2020

Customer advisory on Kaya Savings Account

Effective April 20, 2020, new account opening of Kaya Savings Account will no longer be offered.


However, existing Kaya Savings customers may still continue to enjoy the benefits of the account and transact using BPI’s available channels.


Published on September 1, 2020

Reduction in various Peso Savings and Current Account interest rates effective September 1, 2020

Please be advised of the interest rate adjustments on various Peso Savings and Checking Accounts effective September 1, 2020.

Peso Savings Accounts


Interest Rate per Annum
Express Teller Savings 0.250%0.125%


Passbook Savings (Individual)




Passbook Savings (Corporate)


Jumpstart Savings 0.250%0.125%
Kaya Savings* 0.250%0.125%


Save-Up Automatic Savings with Insurance




Pamana Savings with Life Insurance




Pamana Padala with Debit Card


Padala Moneyger 0.250%0.125%


Get Started Savings with Life Insurance*


Multi-earner Savings* 0.250%0.125%
Multi-earner Plus Savings* 0.250%0.125%

Platinum Savings*

25,000 < 300,0000.250%0.125%
300,000 < 1M



1M and above


Platinum Savings (For Kids)*




Direct Deposit US Pension with Passbook




Peso Checking Accounts


Interest Rate per Annum

Maxi-One (Individual)

25,000 < 1M0.25%0.13%
1M and above0.35%0.18%

Maxi-One (Corporate)

25,000 < 1M0.25%0.13%
1M and above0.35%0.18%
Ka Negosyo Checking* 0.25%0.13%

*Product no longer offered.


Published on August 18, 2020

Reduction in interest rates on various Dollar Accounts effective April 1, 2020

Please be advised of the decrease in interest rates on the following USD Savings Accounts effective April 1, 2020:

BPI Dollar Accounts
ProductInitial DepositMinimum ADBBalance to Earn InterestInterest Rate Per AnnumFROMTO
Express Dollar Savings$500$500$500 0.250%0.050%
Dollar Savings with Passbook$500$500$500 0.250%0.050%

Maxi-Saver Savings with Passbook (USD)




Less than $2,500N.AN.A.
2,500 <9,9990.375%0.1000%
10,000 < 19,9990.500%0.1000%
20,000 and above0.625%0.1000%
With 0.500% BONUS p.a. if no withdrawal in a month


BFSB Dollar Accounts
ProductInitial DepositMinimum ADBBalance to Earn InterestInterest Rate Per AnnumFROMTO
Dollar Savings with Passbook$500$500$500 0.250%0.050%

Maxi-Saver Savings with Passbook (USD)




Less than $2,500N.AN.A.
2,500 <9,9990.375%0.1000%
10,000 < 19,9990.500%0.1000%
20,000 and above0.625%0.1000%
With 0.500% BONUS p.a. if no withdrawal in a month


With this rate change, the maximum interest rate for Maxi-Saver Savings Account with Passbook shall be 0.600% inclusive of bonus rate.

Published on March 31, 2020


New Minimum Opening Requirement for a Savings Account

Please be advised of the new minimum opening requirement for a Regular Savings Account with Debit Card.

 Effectivity DateNew Minimum Opening RequirementMinimum Monthly ADBBalance to Earn InterestInterest Rate Per Annum
New BPI customersSept.10, 2019Php 3,000Php 3,000Php 5,0000.25%
Existing BPI customersNov. 10, 2019

Note: A Php 300 fee for falling below the minimum monthly ADB shall still apply.


Published on September 24, 2019

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