As a financial institution and an active participant in the capital markets, BPI respects the rights of its creditors. It also is an industry leader, facilitating capital market access to other companies. As of end 2021, the Bank is the #2 local investment bank in the Philippine Corporate Bonds League Table for Bond Issuances (ex-bank issuances), reinforcing our strength in raising debt for top companies in the domestic and offshore capital markets. The Bank remains the only onshore investment house to take a leading role in arranging offshore capital market transactions for Philippine companies. With our broad experience, wide investor network, and commendable execution, BPI Capital Corporation has actively arranged, underwritten, and participated in one corporate notes issuance, 11 Peso-denominated bond issuances, and four Dollar-denominated issuances from October 2020 to October 2021. Total issuances were at Php 323.85 billion (~USD 6.48 billion) and USD 2.1 billion, respectively. As of December 2021, we are the #1 overall investment bank in the Bloomberg League Table for Equity Issuances, reinforcing our strength in raising equity for top companies in the domestic capital markets.


The Bank complies with all covenants of its debt and equity issuances and respects the rights of its bondholders and stockholders. BPI also complies with statutory requirements with respect to post-issuance continuing disclosure, tax compliance, and other duties, responsibilities, or actions it is obligated to perform or is prohibited from performing, for the respective capital market issuance. The Bank also has an Investor Relations Program to respond to investors’ need for information. It keeps rating agencies informed of material events and responds to other requests for information.

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