Our Board of Directors has adopted a Code of Conduct (the “Director’s Code”) which applies to and is binding on all directors of the Bank. The Director’s Code is intended to provide guidance to directors, whether executive, non-executive or independent, with policies on standards for conduct of the business of the Bank, the protection of the rights of the Bank and of its stakeholders, maintaining BPI’s reputation for integrity and fostering compliance with laws and regulations applicable to the Bank and its Directors.

As the highest governing body of the Bank that provides direction on its business and delegates the conduct of such business to Management under the leadership of the Chief Executive Officer, the Board has a special role in the integrity and accountability framework of the Bank and must uphold exceptional standards for honesty, impartiality, and independence, and avoid even the appearance of questionable conduct or perception of irregularity in its decisions and actions.

The Director’s Code, therefore, sets forth policy in several basic areas that commonly require Directors to exercise sound and informed judgment, recognize and deal with ethical issues, report possible unethical conduct, and foster a culture of openness, fair dealing, diligence and accountability.

The Director’s Code of Conduct may be read here.


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