No, once integration with BPI BizLink is complete, you can only use the BPI BizLink platform to process your payroll services.
Can I still use the Robinsons Bank Payroll Payout facility once integrated with BPI BizLink?
I have employees whose Robinsons Bank payroll accounts have been integrated with BPI and employees whose accounts are awaiting integration with BPI. How can I facilitate the salary crediting of our employees to both RB and BPI payroll accounts?
For employees with new BPI account numbers, use BPI Bizlink’s “Pay Employees” feature.
For employees with RB accounts, use the BPI Bizlink’s “Pay Non-BPI” feature.
What will happen if I erroneously processed the salary crediting of our employees with RB accounts via BPI BizLink’s “Pay Employees” feature instead of “Pay Non-BPI”?
BPI BizLink will reject the file submission and crediting will not proceed.
To correct, the Maker must create and separate the files of employee salary accounts according to:
- BPI account numbers, and process using “Pay Employees”
- RBank account numbers, and process using “Pay Non-BPI”
Do our employees whose deposit accounts for payroll are scheduled to be integrated to BPI need to fill out BPI Payroll account opening forms and submit documentary requirements?
Yes. As part of the payroll account opening requirements, your employees must fill-out and submit BPI payroll account opening forms and other related forms, including signature cards, prior to the effective date of the integration of their new BPI accounts. This is to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the employees’ records with BPI.
Employees may also be required to submit additional supporting documents to update other personal information (e.g., change of name, marital status, citizenship, address, or contact details).
When will our employees be informed of their new BPI payroll account numbers?
Your employees will be notified regarding the changes to their Robinsons Bank deposit account and the effective date of the change.
If your employees’ accounts are used as payroll accounts under your BPI payroll arrangement, your assigned BPI Relationship Manager will provide your HR representative a file of your employees’ new BPI payroll account numbers
Your HR representative may also reach out to your assigned Relationship Manager indicated in our notifications sent to you.
I have employees whose payroll accounts are using PYCRD. What will happen to these PYCRD accounts?
PYCRD will be discontinued.
All employees who are using their PYRCD accounts as payroll accounts may opt to do the following:
i. Visit any Robinsons Bank branch that has not yet been integrated with BPI to upgrade to a Robinsons Bank Payroll Salary Savings Account (SALSA)
- Note that All SALSA accounts will be automatically integrated with BPI as BPI Payroll Savings Accounts.
ii. Open a BPI account directly at any BPI branch.
Please advise your employees to inform you of their new SALSA account or new BPI account.
You may also reach out to your BPI Relationship Manager for assistance.
I have employees whose payroll accounts are using the Robinsons Bank Payroll Salary Savings Account (SALSA). What will happen to the SALSA accounts?
All SALSA accounts will be automatically integrated with BPI as BPI Payroll Savings Accounts.
Can I still request for the printing of Corporate Checks and/or Manager’s Checks using the RB E2Banking portal?
Yes, you may continue to request for the printing of your Corporate Checks and/or Manager’s Checks through your access in RB E2Banking portal until the last banking day prior to the integration of your Robinsons Bank account with BPI.
What will happen to our Robinsons Bank check-releasing arrangement for Corporate Checks and/or Managers’ Checks?
Your existing check-releasing arrangement with a Robinsons Bank branch will remain while awaiting its integration with BPI.
Once the Robinsons Bank branch is integrated with BPI, your Robinsons Bank check-releasing arrangement will be transferred to the nearest BPI Check Releasing office, in-charge of the check procedures for your payees.
What will happen to our Robinsons Bank check stocks?
Once your Robinsons Bank checking account is integrated with BPI, your Robinsons Bank check stocks can no longer be used. BPI check stocks with your updated BPI checking account number will be used in printing your Corporate Checks and/or Manager’s Checks.
What happens to our previously issued Robinsons Bank checks?
Once your Robinsons Bank checking account is integrated with BPI with a new BPI account number, your Robinsons Bank checks with the old Robinsons Bank account number will continue to be honored for clearing and encashment until the last banking day of year 2026 only (subject to the check date validity period (e.g., 6 months for Corporate Checks).
Your checks issued with the old Robinsons Bank account number, with issue date on or before the last banking day of year 2026 and presented for clearing and encashment until the last banking day of year 2026, do not have to be replaced.
Can I still use the Robinsons Bank Supplier Payment facility after our integration with BPI BizLink is completed?
No, you should start using the BPI BizLink platform to process your supplier payment transactions once your integration with BPI BizLink is completed.
How can I facilitate payment to payees with BPI accounts and Robinsons Bank accounts?
To credit payment to payees with BPI accounts, access BPI BizLink and process payments using "Pay BPI" feature.
For payees with Robinsons Bank accounts, access BPI Bizlink and process payments using BPI Bizlink’s "Pay Non-BPI" feature.
What will happen if I erroneously processed a supplier’s payment to Robinsons Bank accounts via BPI BizLink’s “Pay BPI” feature instead of “Pay Non-BPI”?
BPI BizLink will reject the file submission and crediting will not proceed.
To correct, the Maker must remove the entries of non-BPI accounts and process them separately:
- BPI account numbers, and process using “Pay BPI”
- RBank account numbers, and process using “Pay Non-BPI”
Will my payees who are using Robinsons Bank account numbers have new BPI account numbers for “Pay BPI”?
Yes, your supplier payees will receive advisories regarding the integration of their Robinsons Bank accounts with BPI. Once their accounts are integrated, you may use the new BPI accounts for the Pay BPI facility.
Can the payee retain the Robinsons Bank account number under Pay BPI?
No, only BPI account numbers may be used for the Pay BPI feature. All supplier payees using Robinsons Bank account numbers will receive advisories regarding the integration of their accounts with BPI.
What is BPI Biller Payments?
BPI Biller Payments is a disbursement solution that allows you to pay your bills by simply uploading a payment instruction through BPI BizLink.
Do I need to nominate our new BPI account as settlement account for Biller Payments?
No, your settlement account for Biller Payments will be automatically updated with your new BPI account number.
Can we continue using the Direct2Bank facility in E2Banking after our integration to BPI BizLink is completed?
No, you should start using the BPI BizLink platform to process your transfer transactions once integration to BPI BizLink is completed.
Can I transfer funds to other bank accounts via BPI BizLink?
Yes, you may use BPI BizLink’s "Pay Non-BPI" facility to transfer funds using your new BPI account number.
What are the PESONet cut-off times in BPI BizLink?
Cut-off times in BPI BizLink are 10:00 AM, 1:00 PM, and 3:30 PM. Transactions sent after 3:30 PM will be considered transactions of the following banking day.
Can I pay government agencies via BPI BizLink?
Yes, you may use BPI BizLink’s "Government Payments" facility to pay government agencies using your new BPI account number.
What government agencies can I pay using BPI BizLink?
BPI BizLink allows payments to BIR, SSS, PhilHealth, and Pag-IBIG.
Can I still use BancNet in paying government agencies?
There is no need to use BancNet. BPI BizLink is directly integrated with BIR, SSS, PhilHealth, and Pag-IBIG platforms for government payments.
I am using a Robinsons Bank Transitory Account to pay government agencies via Bancnet . Do I still need to use this Transitory account in BPI BizLink for government payments?
There is no need to use a Transitory Account in BPI BizLink. Your new BPI account number will be used as the funding account for payments directly to government agencies.
To ensure uninterrupted payments to government agencies, you will need to transfer your funds from your Robinsons Bank Transitory Account to your Robinsons Bank deposit account prior to your integration with BPI and BPI BizLink.
You will receive a separate advisory containing instructions regarding your EGOV account.
After integration with BPI, can I continue using the current LSTV app installed in our workstations?
No, LSTV will install a new app that will generate payroll files that BPI BizLink can accept.
After integration with BPI, can I continue using the current Sprout facility?
No, you will receive new instructions regarding the new facility for generating payroll files that BPI BizLink can accept.